A 2012 survey by NIH (National Center for Complementary & Integrative Health) almost 1 million children practiced meditation. In 2018 various articles reporting on the topic of children and meditation claim that number must be higher now that awareness of the practice has dramatically increased nationwide.
In 2015 according to Child Mind Institute of Children’s Mental Health Institute report are that 80% of kids with a diagnosable anxiety disorder and 60% of kids with diagnosable depression are not getting treatment.
Stress can affect anyone who feels overwhelmed—-even kids! As early as preschool children can experience separation anxiety. As they get older, academic and social pressures kick in as kids strive to fit in which creates additional stress.
The problem lies within the current fast paced society in which we live. Many kids are too busy to have down time for creative mindful play or relaxation.
Not to mention the sensory overload children today face. Most with easy access to internet, TV, video games, cell phones and more. Today’s children tend to be over scheduled and over stimulated. Academic pressures and peer pressure are at an all time high. Even with our best efforts to limit our children’s screen time, they have access to stimulation, information and technology everywhere. The world has changed, which is all the more reason why precious time spent connecting to ourselves through a mindful practice will bring peace to the chaos.