Friends with the Breath; 
Zafooz Exercise

Have you ever had a good day that you wish could last forever?
Or have you ever had a bad day that you wish would end?

Everybody everywhere has good and bad days. Just like you!

You have the super power to make all your days better by connecting to your breath.

Good Day:Next time you have a good day—make friends with your breath.  Find a comfortable and safe place to sit on your Zafooz and feel your breath moving through your body. When your breath comes in it adds a feeling of hope for many good days ahead and makes your heart happy. Now would be a perfect time to be thankful for this good day and your breath for always being there for you!

Bad day:Next time you have a day that isn’t going so well—make friends with your breath. Find a comfortable and safe place to sit on your Zafooz and feel your breath moving through your body. When your breath comes in it adds a feeling of peace in your day and makes your heart happy. You can turn any bad day into a good day.

Always remember to breathe! Your breath is your friend.

As long as you have your breath everything is OK! You can always find peace, happiness and a fresh start in the next breath.

Tip for parent, guardian or teacher: Encourage children to always appreciate the breath for the gift of life through all our ups and downs.

You have super powers to make all your days better