The zafoo cushion is a relatable way to introduce mindfulness practices to children.
A cushion and breathing buddy in one, the zafoo is a fun and functional combination of a meditation cushion with a plush animal. All zafooz have sweet, peaceful faces to remind children that it is safe to slow down and go within.
Select a zafoo below to learn the unique mantras and stories written to guide your child into mindfulness.

To help all young beings learn to connect and nurture themselves through daily mindfulness practices, so they may view the world through the eyes of peace, love and kindness.

Heather G.
"My daughter loves her Mindful Monkey Zafooz! It’s quickly become an important part of her safe space when she is feeling overwhelmed or emotional. She uses her zafooz to practice her breaths, calm down, read to herself or snuggle. We live such over-active, busy lives, and it’s nice to have a place where she can unplug , and a special little friend to help."
Shannon F.
"We have been using the Zafooz all week for our minute of breathing before we head out the door. I let the boys breathe however they want to. It’s been fun to have them each have a physical spot that indicates ‘it’s breathing time’ and for that spot to be mobile."
Tracy and Tim F.
"Cindy is a gifted practitioner who creates an atmosphere that is both warm and welcoming. Her wonderful energy and calming spirit brings an overall sense of well being to each class. We highly recommend her to anyone seeking peace of mind, body and spirit.
Larry S.
"For the last few months, I have become a true disciple of Cindy Hopson. As a leader of our Practice gatherings she has built a warm and nurturing environment for our group. Her gentle voice and loving spirit guides us as we seek to find inner peace and understanding. As I attempt to build my own personal practice, she has been a wonderful teacher and a true friend..."
“The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love they will bloom like flowers...”